Case Studies

U.S. -based organization needing to set up a Canadian subsidiary in six weeks...

The Client:

U.S. mid-sized pharmaceutical organization.

The Challenge:

After winning the business over an international search firm, we were mandated to complete three executive team assignments in six weeks.

The Situation:

Paramount to the client was having the management team in place in six weeks in order to lead a much-anticipated and significant product launch in Canada.

Our Strategy:

We leveraged our in-depth knowledge of the marketplace gained through numerous previous assignments, our involvement in the industry through leading/sponsoring industry events and functions, participating in industry conferences, and our history of being personally available as a confidential sounding board to many senior executives in the pharmaceutical/life sciences sector.


We were awarded the three time-critical assignments. Six weeks later, three seasoned high-performance executives had signed on to lead the new Canadian entity. Due to our success in completing these searches with such speed, yet without compromising the process, we were mandated to undertake three additional assignments.

Post Mortem:

How did we accomplish this task under such time constraints? We worked up front to very quickly understand the client’s needs and corporate culture. Through our extensive knowledge of the best qualified candidates in this market, we were able to identify those individuals who might be a strong cultural fit, and to eliminate quickly those who would not. We also understood how far removed from ideal candidate specification we might go, and yet still provide the client with the skills they required. From a process perspective, we managed to tight timelines and pre-reserved our client’s time for multiple interviews.